顾琰的手紧握成拳,眼底闪过一丝冷意。似是只有这样,他才能感觉自己还活着般……... 段青石看的是几何图形,这些东西他从来都没见过。{我们不写小说,我们只是网络文字搬运工。-比如面积和体积的计算,各种三角图形,甚至直角三角形的勾股弦,凭他的经验都知道,但计算方法没有这么简洁,家族历代传承中从没有这过如此系统规整的总结,如此一目明了。李天尧感觉到背后冷风袭来,汗毛都根根竖起。
回复榨糖工M:好看 不过有些地方有点过······
回复chenxuchuan:Kind of disappointed. So many annoying scenes. So many annoying ppl. All the twists in volume 2 are weak. And don’t you dare torturing my Max like that Duffer Brothers!P.S. I’m probably the only one who thinks the whole Hopper line is totally unnecessary. (Yes I mean he should’ve died in last season. (Sorry El and Joyce. (But not really sorry.