仅仅片刻过去,他只感到自己身旁出现了大片惨烈的异状!有血肉、有断肢、有悲鸣、有怒号!各种惨状以及嘶吼声混杂,让人头晕脑胀。直接晕了过去。最后江星辰摆手拦住大家,沉声道:“不管对方是谁,也不管对方有什么企图,现在最主要的是救仙凝!既然极有可能是黑寡妇,那咱们就朝着这个方向下手!”(未完待续。) 虽然只是大家的判断和推测,但黑寡妇却是唯一能够解释仙凝异常举动的原因。黑云城,罗府。
回复唐不苦:Winning that ticket. Rose. was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I’m thankful for that. Rose. I’m thankful. You must do me this honor. Rose. Promise me you’ll survive. That you won’t give up. no matter what happens. no matter how hopeless. Promise me now. Rose. and never let go of that promise.