回复阿乏:简直让我对印度电影眼前一亮啊!! 将搞笑与感人,爱情与亲情,无聊的恶作剧与深刻的社会问题很好地串联起来,剧情环环相扣,让人在笑中带泪中不知不觉地度过了将近3小时,影片结束后又让人不禁回味无穷,看完后有马上想推荐给身边好友的冲动!
回复豆友253655381:Maybe interesting looking through the peephole. Life behind the door is much more than peeking. However, the door is also something keeping you safe from whatever is behind. Becareful with what you are going to answer. Life is all about the choices we make!Good luck to you!
回复嘉木:with clare