回复为红颜一醉:小时候不知道,大了才知道好看 又看了一遍 真好看
回复可可西西里:Best movie 2018! wow月光男孩太帅了吧!牛逼了年年得奥斯卡。I am not white enough I am not black enough which is still the situation for lots colored people even now. “I have a dream” is exactly a huge dream 50 years back. 有色人种平权的道路上,有金,肯尼迪兄弟。多少人付出了生命的代价。when ignoring history, we may say it is over corrected. It’s just because the history got too much pain.
回复周Sir系周Sir:换枪一段真是绝了 琢磨半天然后发现不用琢磨