“我师傅,尊号为:五老!”螃蟹郁闷了,粉红说的是实情,他刚晋升不久,马上服用更高级的梅花确实不是最好的时机……可小绒球它们都有的话,它确实眼馋!再说一共就不到六十朵,回家没准都不够分的,万一将来没自己的怎么办。而且,他渐渐适应了手环中那毁天灭地的恐怖杀意。“刚才无极宗的紫雷小真人出现了。他是这次大会尊者热门人选之一,分神境九重巅峰境界,早在几年前就凝结了真意种子,而且传闻他还是天生的雷灵体,对雷之意境的领悟非常可怕。” 天生雷灵体……
回复榨糖工M:好看 不过有些地方有点过······
回复chenxuchuan:Kind of disappointed. So many annoying scenes. So many annoying ppl. All the twists in volume 2 are weak. And don’t you dare torturing my Max like that Duffer Brothers!P.S. I’m probably the only one who thinks the whole Hopper line is totally unnecessary. (Yes I mean he should’ve died in last season. (Sorry El and Joyce. (But not really sorry.